Luke’s gospel gives us the account of three men who die on crosses. (Luke 23: 33-43). A sermon for Passion Sunday can be found here.
The first man dies hurling insults at Jesus. He sees nothing redemptive in the acts that are taking place. He is embittered and hardened to the fact that the Savior of the world was right at His side. “Save others? He can’t even save Himself!” It is a fact that the message of Holy Week will be lost on so many who have no appreciation of who Jesus is and what He can do for them.
The second man has an understanding of the significance of Jesus. He realizes that Jesus had done nothing deserving crucifixion. He senses that something significant is taking place. He asks “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom!” Such faith is rewarded by a promise “Today you will be with me in paradise”. This Holy Week is an opportunity to reconsider the significance of the life and death of Jesus and figure out how the events all those years ago apply to our lives today.
The third man is the Savior Himself. He offers prayer for those who persecute Him. “Forgive them Father for they do not know what they are doing”. As we go through our “Not knowing what we are doing” lives we should rejoice that our failures and sins meet their match in the love of God. The grace of God is sufficient to meet our deepest needs.
Prayer: “Lord, during this week leading towards Easter help us to be those who receive Your Spirit and are made new. Help us to hear Your rich promises and grant to us a deeper understanding of the death of our Savior” Amen.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Lotion Devotion
In John 12:1-8 the actions of Judas and Mary are in stark contrast. Mary overflows with devotion. Judas is revealed to be less than graceful. A sermon on just such a theme can be found here.
For myself the passage challenges me to consider the nature of our relationship with God. For Judas, it appears he is possessed by an attitude that afflicts so many of us… “What’s in it for me?”.
When Judas observes Mary unashamedly anointing the feet of Jesus and kissing His feet, he is offended. Such outward shows of devotion were uncalled for! And what a waste of good perfume. That money could be put to better use. It could, for example, be given to the poor. However John comments that Judas was not in the least concerned about the poor, but rather consumed with self interest.
For Mary the question is one of love. Her life has been touched by the grace of God and she gives thanks in the best way she knows how. She does not care an iota what others may think, either of her actions or the way she chooses to spend her limited income. She loves Jesus and expresses that love in a personal and powerful way. Jesus approves of Mary actions.
What of our love for God? Are we like Judas who is constantly on his guard, wondering how much discipleship may cost? Or are we like Mary? Giving of our best because we know our lives are blessed beyond measure by God’s overflowing grace?
Prayer: “Lord, help us to turn aside from selfish concern as we consider the way Jesus gave Himself, heart and soul, to the world. As we reflect on the price He paid for our salvation, may our response become one of overflowing love. Amen.”
For myself the passage challenges me to consider the nature of our relationship with God. For Judas, it appears he is possessed by an attitude that afflicts so many of us… “What’s in it for me?”.
When Judas observes Mary unashamedly anointing the feet of Jesus and kissing His feet, he is offended. Such outward shows of devotion were uncalled for! And what a waste of good perfume. That money could be put to better use. It could, for example, be given to the poor. However John comments that Judas was not in the least concerned about the poor, but rather consumed with self interest.
For Mary the question is one of love. Her life has been touched by the grace of God and she gives thanks in the best way she knows how. She does not care an iota what others may think, either of her actions or the way she chooses to spend her limited income. She loves Jesus and expresses that love in a personal and powerful way. Jesus approves of Mary actions.
What of our love for God? Are we like Judas who is constantly on his guard, wondering how much discipleship may cost? Or are we like Mary? Giving of our best because we know our lives are blessed beyond measure by God’s overflowing grace?
Prayer: “Lord, help us to turn aside from selfish concern as we consider the way Jesus gave Himself, heart and soul, to the world. As we reflect on the price He paid for our salvation, may our response become one of overflowing love. Amen.”
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Beware of the Trees
I was out walking in the woods when the wind stated to blow. As I made my way home the weather grew worse. Suddenly, with a loud crash, a tree fell to the ground, narrowly missing me. I was a little shaken! Pondering the experience later in the day I reflected on those times when the unexpected happens. A sermonizing of such thoughts can be found here.
In Luke 13:1-9 the disciples are asking Jesus the ‘Why?’ question. A group of Galileans have been slaughtered by Pilate. A tower in Siloam has collapsed and killed a number of people. Why did these things happen? Were the people worse sinners than the rest of us? Was it a case of ‘What goes around, comes around?”
Jesus uses the event as a teaching moment. Life is very fragile. Any moment we could be transported to eternity where we will stand before God. His words seem harsh; “I tell you; unless you repent, you will all perish just as they did” (Luke 13:3).
I am reminded that our salvation is by the grace of God alone. Every day we enjoy life on this earth is a gift. Every time we wake up to greet a new day is a miracle. Not because we are good (or because we are bad) but because life is a great mystery and none of us truly know why we are here or when our time may come to depart. There may well be a tree in the forest with our name on it. Or not.
Make the most of the moment! There is great wisdom in the quote “‘Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody’s watching.’ We never know what tomorrow brings so we best live a faithful life today.
Prayer: “Lord, Your words call us to remember that nothing in life is certain except the depth of Your love for us. When we are full of questions that find no answer help us to cast all our cares on You and then… get on with living each day to the fullest! Amen.”
In Luke 13:1-9 the disciples are asking Jesus the ‘Why?’ question. A group of Galileans have been slaughtered by Pilate. A tower in Siloam has collapsed and killed a number of people. Why did these things happen? Were the people worse sinners than the rest of us? Was it a case of ‘What goes around, comes around?”
Jesus uses the event as a teaching moment. Life is very fragile. Any moment we could be transported to eternity where we will stand before God. His words seem harsh; “I tell you; unless you repent, you will all perish just as they did” (Luke 13:3).
I am reminded that our salvation is by the grace of God alone. Every day we enjoy life on this earth is a gift. Every time we wake up to greet a new day is a miracle. Not because we are good (or because we are bad) but because life is a great mystery and none of us truly know why we are here or when our time may come to depart. There may well be a tree in the forest with our name on it. Or not.
Make the most of the moment! There is great wisdom in the quote “‘Work like you don’t need the money. Love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody’s watching.’ We never know what tomorrow brings so we best live a faithful life today.
Prayer: “Lord, Your words call us to remember that nothing in life is certain except the depth of Your love for us. When we are full of questions that find no answer help us to cast all our cares on You and then… get on with living each day to the fullest! Amen.”
Monday, March 1, 2010
Foxes, Hens and Chickens.

In Luke 13:31-35 Jesus proclaims “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her brood under wings, and you would not have it !” He also describes Herod as a fox. A sermon reflecting on Foxes, Hens and Chickens can be found here.
Foxes are not favorably inclined towards chickens other than as a food source. Scripture warns us that Satan is not a fox, but a ‘roaring lion’ out to frustrate all those who seek the path of discipleship. However we view such images the lesson remains the same… the spiritual road is fraught with dangers. There are things that can destroy our faith and sap our desire to follow. We need to take care that our pride doesn’t blind us to our fragility.
The imagery of God as the mother hen who wishes to gather up her flock in her wings is one of the most tender in all of scripture. Though there are dangers on the road, God desires to shield us and protect us. To hold us close and reassure us. When life gets crazy it can be a healing thing to take in a deep breath and imagine God wrapping warm wings of protection around our lives.
Chickens are the brood that the hen seeks to protect. Unfortunately the chickens are headed away from the hen and towards the dangers that can destroy them. We have that same tendency in our selves. Sure we know what Scripture teaches… but we’ll try things our way instead! And then we complain that things haven’t turned out as we expected. The good news is that God still desires our ingathering!
Prayer. “Lord we confess that we have stupid chicken days. We know we should turn to You but we carry on as if there were no dangers to disrupt our calm or destroy our faith. Help us to see that Your desire is to bless us and protect us. Restore to us a rightful mind! Amen.”
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