Monday, September 14, 2009

What Sort of Messiah?

In Mark 8:27-38 the expectations that the disciples have for Jesus as the Messiah appear very different to those that Jesus lays before them. They seem to be expecting somebody to take away all their woes and bring them to some significant position of worldly prestige whilst Jesus proclaims; ""The Messiah must go through great suffering. Even the elders and religious authorities will reject Him. He will be killed and in three days rise again."

Time after time Jesus goes beyond our expectations, throws us a curved ball and everything becomes pear shaped! Things do not become easier when He lays down the requirements for true discipleship.

The sermon can be found here.

Think on each of these invitations Jesus offers. Prayerfully seek for God to show us how these verses apply to our own situation.

"If any want to be my followers let them take up their cross and follow me." "Lord, what does taking up a Cross look like for me in my life, right now? What are the things I need to do today that will enable me more faithfully to follow You?"

"For those who seek to save their life will lose it, yet those who lose their life for me and the Gospel will save it." "Lord… help me discern the things I need to let go of in order for Your love to truly be in charge."

"For what do you gain if you gain the whole world and lose your life?" Lord… teach me to place greater value on the things that outlast this life rather than be consumed by the passing things of the moment. AMEN!

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