"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind, To set free those who are downtrodden, To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord"
A sermon on this text can be found here.
Central to this proclomation is the idea that Christ’s coming was the dawning of the time of the Lords favor. The poor would have some good news. The struggling ones would find release. The ones who couldn’t see would receive vision. The ones who felt like they were being walked all over would walk free.
We can apply this text to our own lives. Where do we feel in poverty? What are we seeking to be released from? In what areas do we feel life is trampling all over us? Where in in our life are we seeking direction?
To believe that Jesus Christ is a Saviour means allowing Him to save us! To preyerfully seek His perspective on the struggles of our lives. To seek to apply the scripturs teaching to our daily dilemmas.
The promise remains the same. The Holy Spirit is still the Counsellor, Comforter and Guide. Christ’s living love has not lost any of it’s power to renew and refresh our lives.
Prayer: “Lord help me today to apply Your love to the situations I am struggling through. Remind me when I give up on myself that You never give up on me. May this day be a day of the Lords favor! Amen.”
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