Monday, June 7, 2010

Breaking Bread amidst the Storm

As we came to the communion table this past Sunday we looked at a passage in Acts 27:27-44 where Paul is threatened with shipwreck, but encourages his fellow travelers to break bread with him and be encouraged. The sermon for the day can be found here.

Here’s some further thoughts on how communion can encourage us amidst the storms of life.

Sharing communion during stormy days reminds we are not alone.
The whole thing about the word ‘communion’ is that involves more than one. It’s not just about us. At the very least it involves two parties… God and ourselves! As we break bread and drink wine we do so at the invitation of Jesus… an invitation that is offered with the words, “Do this in remembrance of me”. Whatever may come our way today let us try and remember we do not face it alone.

Breaking Bread reminds us that we are all broken.
We have this inbuilt tendency in the the midst of storms to look out only for ourselves. The person who falls overboard doesn’t cry out ‘Help us!’ but ‘Help Me!’. Scripture teaches that we are all sinners who fall short of God’s glory, or to put it another way, we are all drowning in our own false notion of self sufficiency. We all need God’s help and mercy, and that grace comes to us through Jesus Christ, who at the Cross totally identifies with our brokenness! As we face today's problems let us recall that we are all broken!

Sharing wine reminds us that God love is poured out for us all.
God’s love pours out of an empty tomb. Death is revealed to be a loser. The last word is not defeat but victory. We are saved by grace through faith. Paul broke bread amidst the storm and all were encouraged. Let us seek this week to allow the peace of Christ to carry us through!

Prayer: “Lord, it can be a mad mad world that brings many storms our way. In the midst of the confusion help us to find Your peace and so be an encouragement to our fellow travelers!Amen.

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