Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Real Thing

In John 6:55 we hear Jesus saying “For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.” Last Sunday’s sermon focused on this verse and can be found here.

The sixth chapter of John is a meaty theological discourse. It begins with Jesus miraculously feeding the crowds with literal bread before walking on water, moves onto Him speaking of Himself as ‘Bread from heaven’ and concludes with words about who will betray Him. There are so many images and themes interwoven into the narrative that one could pursue an endless series of reflections. Hence the need to isolate a verse.

So I am sticking with the flesh as ‘true food’ and the blood as ‘true drink’. And whilst images of communion naturally spring to mind maybe there are other ways to consider this verse.

True Food
Good food is the sort of food that truly brings us nourishment and growth. There are endless amounts of folk who tell us what we should and shouldn’t be eating. Sometimes we take notice. Other times we go our own way.

Likewise in our spiritual journeys. There are practices that help us grow. There are many advisers offering us their insights, and some of it works for us and some of it leaves us cold.

By speaking of Himself as true food the implication is that to truly grow spiritually we must feast on the teachings that Jesus came (in the flesh) to offer us. Putting it ever so simply … Jesus offers good teaching that can make us whole.

True Drink
Connoisseurs of fine wine know the difference between a mature full-bodied vintage and a bottle of cheap plonk from the supermarket. That difference will be reflected in the price tag.

Jesus paid the ultimate price for our salvation, the shedding of His blood on the Cross of Calvary that we may live free and forgiven! To truly drink in what God has done for us in Christ is a life-changing experience. As we come to appreciate the significance of what God has done, so we seek to be channels of God’s love to others.

Prayer: “Lord, help us to feast our lives upon the love You offer to us through the Holy Spirit. May we know Your teaching as the authentic pattern by which to order our lives. May we carry with us the awareness that Jesus died for us so as we can live for others. Amen.

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