Sunday, October 3, 2010

World Communion Sunday

This past Sunday was ‘World Communion Sunday’ and as we gathered around the World Wide Table we reminded ourselves that our family of faith is much larger than just our local church. The sermon for the day can be found here.

We also received a special Peacemaking offering, indicative of our hope that peace may yet come to our fractured world.

After 2000 years of history, Christianity can be found in many different forms and guises. Though Scripture talks of us as being ‘One Body’ we also sadly have to acknowledge that some of our bones are broken, some of us are ‘out of joint’ with each other and the picture we present to the world is not one of unity.

One of the places that healing can take place is around a shared table. Regretfully, because theologians can’t agree about a mystery, our differing traditions are not always welcoming of ‘outsiders’ to sit with them. But ‘times they are a changing’ and we can but hope and pray that our divisions may yet be healed in order that we can more realistically embody hopes for the peace of all.

So today I lift up the work of all those agencies that are seeking to bring our churches together. We all have so much to learn from other traditions! Our local organization is the Long Island Council of Churches. I’m sure you have similar organizations in your own neighborhood and would encourage you to support them in whatever way you can.

Prayer: Lord we are not a united church. We do not witness well to our world through our divisions. Increase our love for those who are different from us. Break the hardness of hearts that cannot see beyond their own limited perspective. Amen.

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