Monday, November 8, 2010

The Living Difference

In our sermon this past Sunday we were thinking about the Sadducees and their doubts about resurrection. The sermon can be found here.

How can belief in the resurrection make a difference to our daily lives?

Belief in the Resurrection offers a fresh perspective on justice.
Many times we hear the complaint that “Life is not Fair”. There was nothing ‘fair’ or ‘just’ about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Yet God was able to turn the ultimate catastrophe into the ultimate victory through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Belief in the resurrection grants to us the hope that God can take the most unjust and desperate situations and use them for some good and eternal purpose.

Belief in the Resurrection places life into a larger framework.
If we believe our actions have an eternal significance then we are less likely to make hasty decisions or invest ourselves in activities that benefit only ourselves. We will take seriously the invitation of Jesus to find Him in the most needy of those around us. As our lives are transformed by the action of the Holy Spirit we seek to help others experience His living love.

Belief in the Resurrection offers a hopeful perspective on death.
If death is the end, then death is the ultimate catastrophe. However if death is a doorway into something greater, then death is nothing to fear. As St Paul wrote to the Philippian church, “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain”.

Prayer: Lord, we ask that belief in the power of Your love to overcome death may transform our lives. Help us through Your Holy Spirit to be resurrection people with ‘Hallelujah’ as our song!” Amen.

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