This coming Sunday is 'Transfiguration Sunday" One of the few places you may discover the word 'Transfiguration' outside of the religious sphere is in the Harry Potter series of books.
At Hogwarts Academy 'Transfiguration' is a branch of magic that focuses on the
alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of
the object's molecular structure. Humans can be transfigured into werewolves, objects in the seen world can be come invisible. And, as this video clip demonstrates, animals can be turned into objects... though not always with 100% success when it comes to Ron Weasley.
The Gospel account of Transfiguration can be found in Matthew 17:1-9 and it's veracity is testified to in one of the later New Testament writings in 2 Peter 1:16-21. The author of 2 Peter insists that the mountain-top appearance of Moses and Elijah with Jesus on the mountain-top, was no magic trick, but a milestone moment in the disciples pilgrimage to come to terms with the significance of the person of Jesus Christ.
For many of us, such strange events on mountaintops seem to have about as much reality to them as a scene in a Harry Potter movie. We may even fear that rather than making the gospel account more believable, they make it seem even further removed from the reality of our daily lives. And should we even attempt to replicate such an event we probably fear our efforts would be about as successful as those of Mr. Weasley!
So maybe it is helpful to ask why the gospel authors (and the author of 2 Peter) felt that this was such an important story to tell. Traditionally three aspects have been pointed out.
Firstly, that the story reveals to us a Jesus who is a bridge between the world of the temporal and the eternal. Heaven connects with earth and earth with heaven. For a brief moment in time the mist of separation is cleared and the story moves outside of time. No wonder that one of the disciples, Peter, wanted to capture the moment and stay on the mountain.
Many of us are fortunate enough to have had those experiences when we felt a strong connection to something much larger than ourselves. It can be on a mountain top. It can be through a conversation. It can come when we're watching a movie, listening to a piece of music or reading a book. For a moment the mist clears and we feel we are seeing something in a totally different way. Call it an epiphany... or a transfiguration... or even just describe it as magical... such are moments to accept the goose bumps and be thankful.
Secondly, there is a voice that is heard inviting us to "Listen"... in particular to listen to Jesus. Amongst all the words in the world (and even all the words in the biblical books) we can neglect to give the words of Jesus the particular significance they appear to demand. His teaching is the heart of the gospel. Instead of becoming bogged down in the intricacies of theological interpretation, maybe we could just focus on a few of His BIGGIES... like "Love God", "Love Neighbor" and "Love your enemy". It would be magical if we could simply embrace those three!
Thirdly, the appearance of Moses and Elijah stresses that God is God of the living, not of the dead. I love the notion that every time we worship, despite the often empty pews, we are in the presence of a great cloud of unseen witnesses. Saints and angels of every generation!
If you are able to join us Sunday... and be part of the seen cloud of witnesses - then that would be... magic! If not then whatever you are up to may there be those moments when eternity breaks in and you get a glimpse that there's more to this life than the mundane.
And of course...this post would not be complete without A TRANSFIGURATION SONG
Thank you, Adrian, for this enlightening post. You do have a gift for making the gospel and often complex matters understandable and relatable!