Rally Day will be observed here in Baldwin on Sunday September 13th when we shall celebrate the beginning of our full schedule of Sunday School for our Young folk and Adult Forum for the not so young by sharing together in a picnic after worship. Rally Day also marks the beginning of a new season in our churches life.
Three things I would ask you to pray about in particular during the coming months.
1. Kingdom Kids. Starting Tuesday 15th of September, from 4-5 p.m, we are launching an activity hour for kids (2nd thru 5th Grade). Aimed at our own church kids and hopefully their friends, we aim to provide an evening of games, songs, activities and stories to build both fellowship and faith amongst our youngest ones.
2. Youth and Adult Study. I would dearly love to start some kind of youth meeting for our older youth… both Middle School and High School. I’m currently thinking of having something on a Sunday evening… and seeing how that works. I realize so many of our youth have overflowing schedules that the last thing I want is to place more burdens on their time. Hopefully we can create a space in their week that brings the kind of spiritual growth that enables them to better use the time they have!
Also some adult folk have mentioned the possibility of a bible study group… again the major difficulty appears to be making room in our schedules. Please keep listening for announcements and praying God will guide us as to how best we can be in fellowship around His Word.
3. Stewardship. It goes without saying that in order for God’s Kingdom to grow there has to be a corresponding commitment of our time, talents and treasures. You may have noticed in your own life how God’s blessings are related to our willingness to offer our lives to God. We cannot reap the rewards of that which we are not prepared to sow. In order for there to be a great harvest there has to be an overflowing of sowing!
Thanks for your prayers, concerns and suggestions. Let us continue to trust in God to guide us and lead us.
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