Monday, August 10, 2009

Trinity Youth Conference

Last week Brian Achille and myself travelled to Schellsburg, PA, to participate in TYC, a Youth Conference hosted by the Synod of the Trinity. This years theme was 'Always Loved'.

A typical day at TYC begins with morning watch, a devotional time for thought and prayer before breakfast. After breakfast some warm up songs are usually shared before folk head off to participate in two morning workshops. My particular responsibility was a class investigating World Religions.

A significant part of the afternoon is spent in small groups known as 'Heads Together' (or just HT) where people get a chance to know each other and discuss how the week is going. Whilst the groups follow a pre-prepared syllabus there is also a lot of flexibility so each HT takes on a life of it's own!

Afternoon free time offers a chance to participate in games, hang out or take a nap.

Each evening an all-camp activity takes place. An all-camp game, a skit night, and Talent show all featured as part of the week. Central to the evenings is also a time of worship, the preacher this year being Heather Schoenewolf, associate pastor at East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. Much singing, under the leadership of Max Keefer, kept things moving along!

Wednesday afternoon we all head out to Shawnee Lake where swimming and volley ball are amongst the attractions to enjoy. A picnic is followed by an outdoor worship service amongst some beautiful scenery.

It was a good year. Our faith was refreshed. Old friendships were renewed and new ones made. And it's only 51 weeks till the next time!

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