In our church we are currently in stewardship season. Seeing how this answer relates to the use of the many gifts God has blessed our lives with forms the core of this weeks sermon which can be found here.
Some thoughts about Biblical Stewardship.
1. Giving is related to our perception of what we have received. If we feel God has dealt us blow after debilitating blow then we are not likely to be overflowing with generosity towards the things of God. However if we feel our life is abundantly blessed, then we abundantly give in return.
2. Giving is about spiritual growth. The church is neither a social club nor a philanthropic cause. The Church is the family of the people of God. Within that community we are joint heirs of God’s promises as we seek to encourage each other to be faithful servants. Our financial input (along with the commitment of our time and the way we use the spiritual and natural gifts God blesses our lives with) is a barometer of our spiritual progress. Giving is an expression of our devotion.
3. Giving is about our values. The things we value in life are the things we invest in. Nobody throws thousands of dollars away on things they have no connection with! If we believe in our faith community it is the most natural thing in the world to commit ourselves in tangible ways to the growth of that community.
The Stewardship Challenge This weeks sermon invites us to do something specific. To personally consider what portion of our income God is inviting us to be giving in order to enable our Church community to thrive. Such is a challenge for us to prayerfully consider with an open heart and an open bible.
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