Monday, November 9, 2009


It’s one of those stories that whenever you hear it you can’t help but be challenged. The one where the rich person drops some money in the collection box, then along comes a poor widow who puts only two pennies in. Jesus asks the people who gave the most? But I’m ruining the story!

Mark 12:38-44 is the biblical passage and the sermon that goes with it can be found here.

Last week I challenged us to consider our stewardship, particularly in regard to our financial giving. I even suggested that we consider what portion of our income we may give to support our church. Now along comes a passage that tells us that its not about portions!

So what it is about? Well… … mostly THANKSGIVING! (Which conveniently is also the next celebration that will gather families together across the nation). And most of us have a lot to be thankful for.

Even if we didn’t;

  • as may have been the case with the widow…

  • or certainly was the case with the prophet Habakkuk who declared the crops had failed and the cattle had died…

  • and even those hardy pilgrims who after sailing on the Mayflower faced trouble, trouble and more trouble… still we are invited to join with the prophets prayer;

"Yet, I will exult in the Lord, I will be thankful, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength." (Habakkuk 3:18-19)

So as our official stewardship season moves into the season of thanksgiving let me say again what I said in the sermon:- "Giving is a spiritual practice and an expression of a life that knows itself touched by the Grace of God. It is not a duty but a delight. It is not a requirement but a heart response to the love of God … It’s not about ‘making a donation’ but everything to do with ‘overflowing with thankfulness’."

Prayer: Lord, in my heart of hearts I know I have so much to be thankful for. Help me to express my thanksgiving in ways that bring joy to others and which help to grow Your Kingdom. Teach me to be a faithful steward of all that You have blessed my life with. Amen.

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