Monday, December 14, 2009


The prophet Zephaniah ben Cushi is not exactly a household name. He writes words that are mostly gloom and doom to the unfaithful folk of his nation during the reign of King Josiah. But amongst his words are also some tremendous ‘Good News’ verses.

One that stands out is Chapter 3: Verse 17; ‘The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." The Sermon can be found here.

Words of encouragement right here!

God walks through our troubles with us. We may not always sense God’s presence, but the promise remains. ‘The LORD your God is with you’.

God battles on our behalf. ‘He is mighty to save’. Zephaniah pictures God as a warrior who fights for His peoples salvation.

God is crazy, madly in love with us. The prophet tells us that we are the apple of God’s eye. "He will take great delight in you"

God desires that we rest in His love. In the midst of our worlds craziness God invites us to take a breath and find the assurance that our lives are safe when committed to His care. ‘He will quiet you with His love’

God sings a love song over us. God loves us so deeply God has even composed a song in our honor and loves to sing it! Don’t take my word for it… I’m just passing on what the prophet said. ‘He will rejoice over you with singing.’

The song that began with Zephaniah ben Cushi gained new harmony when Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem and angels filled the sky with glorious song. Take some time out during this advent season to thank God for the Good News!

Prayer "Lord, in the midst of the discouraging headlines and Christmas rushing, remind us that You are the God who is for us… not against us, the God who is not trying to catch us out but to catch us up in His arms, the one who comes not to condemn us but to save us, the One whose very name and nature are a love song. Amen."

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