Sunday, December 20, 2009


Luke 1:37-55 tells us about Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. It was a ‘Wow!” moment. It causes Mary to break into song. “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior!” Life brings along ‘Wow!’ moments to us all. Our sermon can be found here.

As we approach Christmas reflect on some of the “Wow!” moments in your own experience. Think about your earliest Christmas memories, your first job, your first kiss or your first car. Remember those times that have taken your breath away. An unexpected surprise. A precious gift. A milestone that has helped you be who you are today.

Think of the way people around you have blessed your life and helped you through the difficult times. Be thankful for the mentors, the teachers, the family members and friends… who often never realized they were having such a profoundly positive influence on your life.

Above all be overwhelmed for a moment as you consider God’s greatest gift… Jesus Christ. Consider the influence that small bay in the manger was to have, the lessons He bought that have changed the world for the better, the teaching He gave that we still strive to follow.

Think on His sacrifice and the promises Scripture makes regarding His death securing our salvation. Reflect on the mystery of His resurrection and the empowering of the Holy Spirit that can be born into your daily life.

And as you reflect pause for a moment to consider the ‘Wow!’ factor in all of the blessings that God has invested into our lives. It’s Christmas.

Prayer. “Lord, You truly are an awesome God. Thank You for every blessing that has transformed my life and shaped my destiny. Help me never to take such things for granted, but out of thankfulness may I seek to be a means of blessing and joy to others. Amen.

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