Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Finding the Way

This upcoming Sunday we'll be taking a glimpse at Psalm 37:1-6. One of the things that the Psalm speaks of is finding God's direction for our lives.
The fifth verse tells us " Give yourself to the Lord; Trust in Him, and He will help you".

Whenever a person truly acknowledges God's call on their lives they are presented with a dilemma. "What on earth does God want me to do with my life now that I've decided to be a follower of Jesus Christ?"

The most simplistic yet profound answer is simply to say that we have to trust that God will guide us. But putting the meat on the bones of that statement can take a lifetime of searching. And maybe that's how it is meant to be. Because the gospel of Jesus Christ is very unsettling. 

We are called to continually evaluate our purpose, our priorities and our principles. What might be right for us at one point in our life may change as we enter another season. What is the right direction for one person can be totally wrong for another. God has made us each unique because God has a unique purpose for each one of us.

There are ways we can discern. Through prayer and meditation on God's Word. Through the counsel of friends or family we trust have our best interests at heart. We observe how God has guided others in the past. We seek to discern what our gifts and talents might be, and where they can best be used in God's service. 

The most important thing of all though is to have surrendered our lives to God's love. Unless we can come to Jesus and say, "Lord, I will do whatever you want me to do" then we shouldn't expect to receive His guidance. What we would like, what we think is best for us, doesn't come into it. The basic essential is a living faith that allows us to do the things God calls us to do!

Chris Bowater's Song "Here I am, wholly available"provides a great backdrop to any thoughts on seeking God's direction,  particularly with it's refrain "As for me, I will serve the Lord". Recommend you give it a listen :-)

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