There's a story in Acts 20:7-12 about a young guy called Eutychus who falls asleep in the sermon whilst the Apostle Paul is preaching in a town called Troas. To find out what happened, you'll either have to read the passage or come and join us for worship this Sunday.
It sets my mind wondering about worship... or more particularly about what we do on Sunday mornings and the role the sermon plays in the proceedings. We live in a world that is increasingly conditioned to hearing only through 'sound-bytes' and headlines. It is only rarely that we will sit and listen to somebody 'talking, talking, talking' unless it is bolstered by images, graphics and other such visual devices.
It has been pointed out to me that God pioneered the use of visual images, as a burning bush was used to grab the attention of Moses. However, as I am not in the position to be able to set a tree on fire every time I preach, I am unable to follow that particular path.
So how should one approach a Sunday sermon? (I'm talking here not as a presenter, but as a listener). As one who enjoys listening to sermons as much as preaching them, I have my own sleep shattering strategies.
1. Be aware of God. A sermon isn't a lecture. It is an exposition of a passage of scripture that God once breathed into somebodies life. It's an attempt to put wings on something that was first spoken many moons ago and apply it to our life today. The simple acknowledgment that through the preacher (whoever they may be) God is trying to communicate something of immense value helps me sit up and take notice.
2. Pray for the Preacher. Preparing sermons isn't easy. People are complicated. The Word that God wants to speak comes to us filtered through a persons personality, peculiarities and prejudices. It is hard for the preacher to get out of the way and let God do the talking. Yet I know from experience that if I am in a pulpit surrounded by people lifting me up in their prayers, there is far more likelihood of God speaking to them.
3. Be fully engaged in the whole worship experience. Get there in a timely manner. If there are suggested scripture readings, read them. If there is liturgy, read it before sharing in it. Sing the hymns with all the energy you can muster. Follow along from the pew bible with the scripture readings. When the offering comes around, give in a way that shows how important God is to you. When the choir performs, or the children sing, receive it as an offering they are making for you... as a gift to be enjoyed, not a performance to be evaluated. When you pray... pray! If your mind wanders, pray about the things and places it wanders to. Receive the sacraments respectfully. And whenever the sermon comes around....
4. Take notes. I know... it looks kind of nerdy. And you may be the only one who is paying that much attention. So what? If you are the only one who walks away with something they can refer back to during the week, then you are better prepared to face the rest of the week than anybody! You win. Writing stuff down REALLY helps battle the snooze gremlins that will be present, no matter how wonderful the preacher or the message may be.
Some of my personal snooze shattering strategies! Like it or not, our minds are lazy creatures that don't easily endure sermons. We have to train ourselves to listen if we don't want to miss out. Jesus said; "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." (Matthew 11:15). When we place ourselves in a position to hear, it can be amazing how our lives can be changed... even by a sermon everybody else slept through!
Yay for #4 :)