Each year in Baldwin we hold a Music Sunday to celebrate the musical gifts of our congregation. Worship and music go together - and it promises to be an inspiring occasion.
As one who came to the USA from Wales I am well aware of the role music has played in the history of the church. In the Welsh revival of 1904 an inspirational hymn was 'Here is love, vast as the ocean'. It does not appear in the PC(USA) hymnal and I've not often heard it since being over this side of the pond, but it remains a personal favorite. So I share it here, in all it's glory.
of the 'none-musical' items in the service is our confession of faith.
It speaks of how music is a part of God's creative process and how God's
Spirit continues to inspire our creativity today. Music weaves in and out of the biblical narrative. Truly a gift to be received and
Hope wherever you are this coming Sunday music gets to be a part of your day!
believe in God , Maker of heaven and earth, whose Word sang creation
into being. I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son our Lord; who
was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, and
welcomed by angels songs. Jesus was opposed and betrayed by
discordant voices and prejudices of people not so different from
ourselves. He was crucified, dead and buried. The third day He rose
again from the dead; turning songs of lament into songs of joy. He
ascended into heaven, where He is worshiped by angels singing
'Hosanna, to the Lamb who was slain'. I
believe in the Holy Ghost, who inspires our psalms, hymns and
spiritual songs and empowers us to perform loving actions that bring
harmony to God's creation. I believe in the one universal church,
birthed in song and destined to sing songs of praise before the
throne of God. Amen.
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