Luke 9:28-36 gives us the account of an event known as the Transfiguration. It’s an awesome moment. Jesus is transfigured by the glory of God and seen communing with two great figures of the Old Testament, Moses (representing the 'Law') and Elijah (representing the 'Prophets'). Peter is in awe! A sermon on this passage can be found here.
Peter should have kept silent but instead he speaks out. At other times in his life, when he should of spoken out, he kept silent. Don’t blame Peter. We are all guilty of acting just like him. I’m sure you can think of things you wished you had never said and actions that you now regret having taken.
One wonderful thing about this story is that although Jesus corrects Peter, Jesus doesn’t disown Peter. It’s not a comfortable thing to have your faults exposed. Yet until they are, spiritual growth is unlikely.
It is for us to take our whole lives and apply to them the scrutiny of the love of God. Seek for God to show us our faults, and God will do so. But be aware… this may be a humiliating process. Not because God is in anyway unkind, but because our own faults are hard to face. We quickly turn the spotlight on other people’s shortcomings, but if we ourselves wish to be transfigured by the glory of God, then we need to shine the light of God’s love upon ourselves.
Prayer: Lord, I’m hesitant to invite You to shine Your light into the darkest corners of my life. Remind me that healing will not come to those places until I’m prepared to let You in to heal the hurt. Thank You for the renewing power of Your love in forgiving the failings we hesitate to name. Amen.
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