Jesus calls us to be disciples with a high level of commitment. A sermon reflecting on that theme can be found here.
In common with disciples of all times and all places following Jesus involves leaving something behind. In the first fisherman's case it was their work and home. For our selves it can be our habits and ways of thinking that need changing. What kind of things might Jesus be calling you to leave behind at this point in your spiritual journey?
Discipleship also involves taking on something new. The first disciples had to become "Fishers of men". Allowing our lives to be embraced by God’s love adds a new dimension to our daily life. Are there any ‘new things’ that God is calling you to embrace this year?
For the first disciples following Jesus meant they had to go somewhere else. They had to move beyond the comfort zone of their familiar surroundings. Where met God be inviting you to reach beyond your comfort zones?
To succeed at any venture takes not only inspiration but also determination. Be it NFL success or spiritual maturity … the call is to press forward with all that we are.
Prayer: “Lord help me to respond to Your love with determination and allow Your love to change me. And when I fail, pick me up again and remind me that Your love is stronger than my weakness. Amen. “
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