Dealing with temptation
"Turn the Bread into Stones". In other words ‘solve all your problems with a quick-fix’. Be it world hunger or personal diet there are offered to us endless solutions. ‘Send money here’. ‘Buy this’. Global poverty issues canot be solved by throwing money at them any more than our waistlines can be trimmed down by puchasing the latest keep fit DVD course. There are no quick fix options for discipleship. It's the long haul that brings results and builds solid commitment.
“It’s all yours”. Satan offers Jesus dominion over all creation and peoples. Of course it comes at the expense of compromising His beliefs. How many times have we heard that voice? “Forget your convictions for a moment, take a short cut, it will get you what you want”. In so many areas of life we are fooled into believing that the end… namely our personal influence and power… justifies us using means that are less than godly. We foolishly compromise on what we believe rather than allowing God's Word and the inner voice of the Holy Spirit be our guide.
“Jump of the Roof… God will catch you!” Of course God loves us! But that doesn’t mean that we can live however we please. We are invited to return that love… not strain it to breaking point. ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test” comes the voice of Jesus. The danger is that if we persistently refuse to learn, refuse to see and refuse to hear…then we become a person who has not learnt, nor can see, nor can hear anymore the loving call of Jesus saying, "Come to me and be made new".
Prayer: Lord, Scripture teaches us that You truly understand the temptations we face in our lives. The desire for things we shouldn’t have. The search for instant answers for our complex and deep rooted problems. Our tendancy to be presumptious of Your love. Forgive us. Renew us. Strenghten us through the power of Your Holy Spirit. ‘Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.’ Amen. “
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