This past Sunday we looked at a passage from Mark 10:17-30. Jesus made the statement that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Such an observation is the kind of thing that’s bound to raise some questions!
The sermon can be found
hereIn his book ‘A GOSPEL TREASURY’ - Poems Based on Lectionary Gospels, Andrew Daughters has the following reflection on today’s passage.Lord, I almost wish You hadn’t said the words you said that day,
How it would be hard for those with wealth to climb the heavenly way.
For the people You were seeing had so little when compared
With what I just take for granted in the worldly things I’ve shared.
I’ve a home, a place more comfortable then any You had seen.
And I probably live better than the average King or Queen
Lived when You were on the earth and teaching people what to do.
Yet we think that we don’t have enough though real wants are few.
We own things that were not dreamed of. We enjoy them every day.
And they make our lives so easy. Yet we seldom think to pray
In thanksgiving for the much we have we don’t appreciate.
And that’s too bad. For if we did then we would really celebrate.
But, at least, Lord, I am grateful that You said it’s not for us,
In the end, to earn our heaven. I would never make it thus.
Though a rich man can’t buy heaven, still according to Your word,
As a gift he can receive it, like a poor man, from the Lord.
Lord, when I am taken home, I know that I can only take
what my lifeless hands can carry as that final trip I make.
Help me, Lord, convert my treasure into heaven’s currency.
That way, I won’t be a pauper when this life is gone from me.